Home Netflix Latest HEARTLAND Moving Forward the Next Chapter here’s to a Season 15🙏

HEARTLAND Moving Forward the Next Chapter here’s to a Season 15🙏


Heartland season 14 is out now in Canada and soon to follow on UpTv hopefully it will soon arrive on Netflix around the world. Not the best of starts, but I think if we are honest we could see this coming a long time ago, Somnow A new dawn a new day and a new Heartland. Give it a go when you eventually view it….
So you can all sit back and relax Enjoy!!

HEARTLAND is an amazing family drama set in the stunning surroundings of Alberta Heartland “IS the longest family drama in the history of Canadian Television” and has now surpassed 200 Episodes it is a MUST MUST MUST watch…..
Season 12/13 is on most Netflix in most countries around the world and other forms of networks in each Country plus on DVD, I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS VIDEO it has been made out of respect for the show music and Imagery which is Credited to Cast & Crew of Heartland CBC, Credit “What if never get over you” Lady Antebellum We’ll Make it Through” Ray LaMontagne




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